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  • 公司优势


        1. ICEF国际权威中介资质认证 证书 ITAC No. 576,专业和诚信的双重保障
        2. 定期参加国际教育交流会并参观考察各国院校的项目,国外项目资源丰富,更新速度快
        3. 各国学生签证,商务签证,旅游签证通过率高, 99%出签率
        4. 专业顾问团队,全部具有国外院校,使馆业务培训的经历
        5. 19年留学申请及各国签证办理成功经验
        6. VIP一对一语言培训,各项出国考试考前辅导(雅思,托福,SAT,GMAT,GRE等)
        7. 各国技术移民,投资移民办理,投资项目推广
        8. 提供世界500强企业的实习工作,并提供实习证明
        9. 代办海外学生保险,监护,接机,住宿,全方位为学生服务

                                          THE ADVANTAGES OF ABG EDUCATION

        1. ICEF Certified Agent Qualification ITAC No: 0576, double security of professional and integrity service to the clients.

        2. We regularly take part in international educational workshops and Familiar-Trips activities to overseas schools and programs in English countries. We have rich resources of overseas programs and update information instantly.

        3. We provide the business for the clients on student visa, business visa and tourist visa. High pass rate, nearly 99%.

        4. We have Professional counselors team, who all have been trained by overseas schools and embassy in various countries.

        5. We have 13-year successful experience for applying for overseas schools and various visas.

        6. We have VIP one-to-one language training, including English test counseling (IELTS, TOEFL, SAT, CMAT, GRE and so on)

        7. We can service skilled migration, investment immigration and investment program promotion in various countries.

        8. Provide the opportunity of internship in companies of “World Top 500” and issue the internship certificate.

        9. Provide the service of purchasing of the student OSHC health cover, guardianship, airport pick-up and home-stay service for the clients.